EKIS migration to CAF in 2024

The EKIS product development will end on 01.01.2024 and the EKIS product support offer will also end on 31.07.2024.

Therefore, a new solution has to be found to replace the EKIS, and here we offer you to use the familiar EKIS environment in the new edition – kaustik.ee. EKIS is based on WebDesktop, the most popular information management software in Estonia, and as its developers we have created an environment with exactly the same look and feel as EKIS, called kaustik.ee.

When the folder is adopted, we will migrate the necessary data free of charge, and nothing much will change for you except the address of the information system, staff can continue to work in the familiar system and the current user support will continue. This is certainly the easiest and most convenient way to continue with a familiar solution.

We offer different packages for using the Folder, depending on the resources you use.

All packages include data backup and storage, and the familiar user support via email and phone.

We advise you not to leave the decision to the last minute and to sign a contract in good time. The date of the introduction of the system may be fixed at a later date.