1. Privacy Policy

The privacy of our clients, employees, and guests is very important to us. Therefore, we have developed a privacy policy that outlines how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store personal data. When processing personal data, we comply with the laws in force in Estonia, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

This privacy policy explains how Webware OÜ (hereinafter referred to as “we”) collects and processes your data when you use our website or send us a message through our website.

By using the website and communicating with us through it, you confirm that you have read, understand, and agree with our privacy policy.

Personal data is information about a person or a natural person (data subject) that can be used to identify them directly or indirectly.

2. Purposes and Bases for Processing Personal Data

Our goal is to ensure the security and lawful processing of the data of you, our clients, our future clients, and related individuals, to provide you with the best service and to fulfill our professional duties and organizational objectives.

2.1. We use the information obtained from you to send you news and event notifications only if you have given your consent (e.g., you have joined social media channels and expressed a desire to follow the information we share, such as information reflected online). You can withdraw this consent at any time using the options created in social media or by contacting us via email at info@webware.ee.

2.2. Our website uses cookies to gather information about how our website is used. Cookies enable faster and better access to the website. Cookies are small text files that the website stores on your computer to provide you with a better visit experience. Cookies are used to recognize you as a returning user and to collect website usage statistics. Generally, cookies do not allow the identification of a specific individual. You can disable and delete our cookies in your browser settings.

2.3. We process the information you provide to us through our website’s contact form to provide services and respond to your inquiries. We collect and process the information you provide to fulfill our obligations to clients, advise existing or future clients, and fulfill our professional duties. In providing services and fulfilling our obligations, we may supplement the personal data obtained from you with personal data obtained independently from other sources.

We limit the collection of personal data to the minimum necessary.

We process your personal data based on your consent, our agreement, the law, or our legitimate interest, to ensure a high-quality service for our clients and future clients.

3. Use and Processing of Collected Personal Data

We use and process collected personal data:

3.1. To verify identity (e.g., name, personal identification number, date of birth, identity document details, including document number and validity period);

3.2. To provide services, deliver information, prepare and issue invoices (e.g., contact details, including phone number, address, email address, communication language);

3.3. To fulfill contractual and legal obligations, including identifying conflicts of interest;

3.4. We process collected personal data only for the purpose for which it was collected and retain it only as long as necessary to fulfill that purpose or legal requirements.

We destroy collected data immediately once the purpose is fulfilled, and the law does not require retention, or at your request, if permitted by law.

4. Your Rights Regarding Personal Data Processing

You can always modify the personal data we process about you. You need to notify us at least via email at info@webware.ee.

You have the right to exercise your rights regarding your personal data processing at any time:

4.1. The right to access your data and request corrections;

4.2. The right to object to the processing of your data, including for marketing purposes;

4.3. The right to request the deletion of your data if it is no longer needed for the purpose it was collected or if you believe the processing of personal data is unlawful;

4.4. The right to request the transfer of your data if processed based on your consent or mutual agreement;

4.5. The right to withdraw your consent if the data is processed based on your consent. To exercise your rights, please contact us via email at info@webware.ee.

Please note that there may be limitations on the disclosure and deletion of data due to legal requirements, meaning we may not be able to disclose, delete, or transfer data as requested.

5. Sharing of Collected Personal Data

We share collected personal data upon the request of authorities or when necessary to provide you with a service.

6. Protection of Personal Data

We take all precautions to protect personal data. Only authorized persons have access to data processing.

Please notify us immediately via email at info@webware.ee if you believe that an employee has acted in contradiction to the privacy policy.

If you believe we are processing your personal data without a legal basis or violating your rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority: https://www.aki.ee/et.

7. Privacy Policy and Changes

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy as needed and at our discretion. The latest version of the privacy policy will be published on our website.

The data controller is Webware OÜ (registration code: 10839212, address Tallinn, Nõmme district, Vääna tn 11/3, 11612). For any questions and suggestions, contact us via email at info@webware.ee.