and speakers
21 September
09.30-10.15 Registration
12.30-13.30 Lunch
16.00 End of the event
Overview of Webware developments
The previous Info Day took place in 2018. The constraints and changes in the meantime have led to a long pause. So let’s take a look at the positive developments that have taken place in Webware since then.
Kert Valbet (CEO),
Ardo Mardisoo (Sales Manager)
WD6 main innovations
The WebDesktop platform has undergone a number of upgrades. This year 6 came out. a version already familiar to many organisations. We present the general development plans for the WebDesktop platform and highlight the most important updates on WD6.
Gregor Laan (WD Development Manager),
Kätlin Molok (Team and Project Manager)
WDX: The first steps of the Great Leap Forward
We have been talking about the development of a new information and document management platform for some time. We’ve currently codenamed this new system WDX. So what is WDX, why are we developing it and when can we start using it? Let’s talk about.
Erki Kaldjärv (WDX Development Manager)
PANEL: Interfaces, a cross-country WD solution, some use cases
We talk to WebDesktop users about their experiences. We will focus the panel discussion on the most hot topics such as interfaces, transnational WD usage and cyber-trust.
Katrin Kolberg (University of Tartu),
Ele Rõigas (Magnum),
Kersti Kiive (Webware),
Kädi Märss (Webware)